Fruit-Filled Puff Pastry Donuts with Lemon Glaze

Fruit Filled Puff Pastry Doughnuts

There seems to be this sudden craze for homemade donuts in the food blogging world, and it’s got me craving them BAD. But since I don’t have any of the fancy equipment needed to bake or fry them properly, I wanted to try to make these decadent little breakfast treats in a different way.

Puff Pastry Doughnuts

These soft, flaky puff pastry donuts with a filling of sugared fresh fruit and a lemon glaze were so good. And I mean, someone-please-help-‘cause-I-can’t-stop-eating-them good.

And since there’s fresh fruit in there, that means they’re good for you, right? I’d say yes. Let’s go with that.

Fruit Filled Puff Pastry

Though these donuts don’t require anything more than a baking sheet, the warm and gooey taste still give you the same satisfaction as your everyday donut. That, and then some. Make them and you’ll see!

Fruit Puff Pastry Doughnuts

Great for feeding hungry guests, or just a small family who wants something different and decadent with their morning coffee, these lemon-glazed fruit donuts will be sure to hit the spot!

I used strawberries, bananas and pineapple to fill mine, but feel free to experiment with different berries and fillings. You could try blueberries, raspberries, pie filling, pastry cream, jelly, jams… Use whatever you like, but I can guarantee no matter what, you will love these just as much as we did.

Fruit-Filled Puff Pastry Donuts with Lemon Glaze

Fruit-Filled Puff Pastry Donuts with Lemon Glaze

Yield: 12 donuts


  • 1 egg
  • 1 Tablespoon water
  • 1 package (17.3 oz.) Pepperidge Farm Puff Pastry Sheets, thawed
  • Cut-up fruit such as strawberries, bananas, raspberries, blueberries, etc., I used strawberries, bananas and pineapple
  • Sugar

Lemon glaze:

  • 1/4 cup lemon juice
  • 1 cup confectioners' sugar


  1. To make the lemon glaze, combine ingredients in a bowl and whisk together. The consistency should be slightly thick but runny.
  2. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees.
  3. Beat the egg and water in a small bowl with a fork; Set aside.  Unfold 1 pastry sheet on a lightly floured surface.  Using a round cutter, cut the pastry sheet into 9 (3-inch) circles.  Repeat with the remaining pastry sheet.  (Don’t waste the scraps – re-roll them and cut into as many circles as possible)
  4. Place half of the pastry circles onto a parchment lined baking sheet.  Top each with a small amount of cut-up fruit and top fruit with a pinch (about 1/8 teaspoon) sugar.  Brush the edges of the pastry circles with the egg wash.  Place the remaining pastry circles over the filling.  Press the edges firmly to seal and crimp edges with a fork.  Using a sharp knife or a pair of kitchen shears, cut two small slits in the top of each filled pastry.
  5. Bake for 15 minutes or until the pastries are golden brown on the top and the bottoms.  Let the pastries cool slightly and drizzle the lemon glaze, or simply shake confectioners sugar, over the tops.
  6. Enjoy!

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  1. Oh WOW!!!! Soo cute! I’m not a baker, but by reading your recipe (especially Pepperidge Farm Puff Pastry Sheets!), I know I CAN make this! I’ll make it with kids since it looks easy enough for them to help me. I’ll probably make this very soon…I’ll definitely let you know. :-)

  2. LOL, agree, if there’s fruit, it’s healthy…and that came from a strawberry fan;)
    Love these pics too; they just makes for a scrumptious treat and I can see your craving for them :P

  3. I love the simplicity of this recipe – you don’t even have to cook the fruit! These look wonderful.

  4. What a genius idea! These are so easy yet fabulously decadent.
    :-) Mandy

  5. oh, man! those look AMAZING. i agree, i have really wanted to jump on the homemade-donut-bandwagon here and almost convinced my mom to buy me a donut pan for my birthday (alas, she did not). i need to try these!

  6. (also now i am REALLY depressed that i only have a whole-wheat english muffin downstairs to have for breakfast :( boo)

  7. Great… now I’ll be craving donuts like crazy!! WOW, Georgia, these look incredible.. and I’m with you, they have to be healthy cause they have fruit in them… and to top it off, you baked them instead of frying them, that has to count for something :)

  8. I will be making these tonight!!! YUM!

  9. Wow what a creative idea! They looks so lovely and fresh! I will definitely try this :)

  10. These are so cute! What a great way to make donuts without all the fancy equipment. Plus, they’re healthy because of the fruit, like you said! :)

  11. Great job! These remind me of the homemade pop tarts I make.

  12. Amazing Georgia! What a clever idea! I agree with the donut craze! I am going to try these.

  13. Quick and easy! I love it. And, your photos are gorgeous, as usual!

  14. Frying scares me, so these are perfect for me! They’re so pretty, and I love how flaky they are.

  15. I love puff pastry doughnuts…and yours are WAY healthier than the ones I made. Fruit is so much better for you than PB&J ;)!! I’m going to try them your way next time since hubby loves strawberries.

  16. I love pastry and this one looks heavely Georgia! I am bookmarking this to make for hubby soon ( if he is good) since he loves strawberries. Great pictures

  17. These look amazing! Puff pastry is so dreamy.

  18. What a great way to make donuts without the fry. They look delicious…especially with the glaze!!

  19. OMG! These are GORGEOUS! I’m going to need to make these asap!!!

    Mary xo
    Delightful Bitefuls

  20. Thank you so much for stopping by! Your comments are so kind! Your blog is quite gorgeous! I love it!!!

    This pastry is great!!

  21. Well there goes my attempt to eat healthier this weekend! I’m definitely gonna have to make these!

  22. I love this! These look so good, and so easy!

  23. I love this idea. I actually have puff pastry shells in my freezer and could work this recipe into them. Great post!

  24. These look amazing! Thank you for sharing.

  25. I love this! I’ve never made donuts before because I don’t have the tools needed, this is the perfect, delicious solution!

  26. Wow! These look so good. Have you tried making them with any jam fillings? I’d be curious to try this with apricot jam…or nutella!

  27. Georgia,
    Thanks for visiting my blog and for your kind words! These puff pastry donuts look incredible and so do so many of your recipes. The pizza from yesterday will be on my menu soon! I feel like I have made a new favorite friend and will definitely be checking back!

  28. YUM, these look so good! I love the idea of using whole fruit inside the doughnuts, and the combination of strawberries and lemon is always a winner in my opinion! :) I also love the idea of easier doughnuts – I love doughnuts, but they’re usually so much work to make at home – this sounds like a great way to do it!

  29. Nancy – No, I haven’t tried them with jam but I suggested it in the post. :) If you try them this way, please let me know. I think it would be so yummy with a jam or Nutella filling!

  30. Of course they are good for you! I mean they are filled with fruits so the puff pastry doesn’t count..right? :)
    I must try these very very soon

  31. These are beautiful! But, you really don’t need special equipment for making regular donuts. I use a biscuit cutter to cut them out and a Dutch oven for frying. So there you go – now you can give into your craving. I apologize in advance :)

  32. Love the idea of this – I don’t use puff pastry often enough – now I have an excuse too! And yes, if fruit is involved, the rest of the calories don’t count. :D

  33. How lovely! What a fresh and healthy version of a doughnut.

  34. These look beautiful. I’m going to try them this afternoon! Wonder if it might work to add a touch of homemade jam…?
    Thank you for sharing.

  35. What a delicious and fun treat!

  36. Susan – As I said above, I haven’t tried them with jam but I suggested it in the post. :)

  37. Ok Georgia, thanks to you – I’ll now be adding some puff pastry sheets to my grocery list! =) I know I won’t be disappointed… especially if they turn out as beautiful as yours! =)

  38. I love how easy these are. They have to absolutely amazing, and so versatile! What a great idea!

  39. I’ve been on a donut kick myself. (No special equipment either…frying pan and a biscuit cutter!)

    These look much lighter than my version! And, yeah, the fruit totally means that I can eat as many as I want with no guilt. Fruit is magic.

  40. So simple and so stunning! It just proves that impressive dishes do not need to be complicated! :)

  41. What a GREAT idea! I love it. So simple but special. Love this post. And thank for visiting me :) love your blog you have a new follower :)

  42. That looks like a BEAUTIFUL crust. I cannot wait to try this!!!

  43. Wow, Georgia, these look wonderful! Your photographs are beautiful, as well. I hope that you will post them for Spring Fling…next week is strawberries!

  44. What a wonderful way to use strawberries. Looks yummy. Great pictures too!

  45. How positively delectable Georgia! I like how you filled them with fresh fruit! Just lovely.

  46. These are beautiful! And they look delicious too!
    Thank you for stopping by my blog. You have a lovely site here, am following you. Will be back visiting, have a lovely day!

  47. Hi Georgia,
    Thanks for coming over to my blog.Wow!I am also hungry and I wish I can just grab this pastry puff right now.They look so good.

  48. Hi Georgia,
    Thank you for dropping by my blog.Am folowing you, and those puff donuts looks so good,so tempting.

  49. These look so flaky and delicious! What’s even better, I have a box of the pastry in my freezer and strawberries in my refrigerator. :)

  50. superb n delicious …inviting clicks dear..

    Tasty Appetite
    Event: Letz Relishh Ice Creams

  51. Thanks for stopping by Georgia! You have such a gorgeous looking blog and this post is bursting with color… I think I will have to try mine with mangoes ;)!


  52. Hey there Georgia..!! Glad i stopped by ur awesome space with gorgeous clicks!! Sure to be ur regular visitor :) Happy to follow u :) Keep rocking!!
    Prathima Rao
    Prats Corner

  53. Ohh geez. Why do you do this to me?! :) (It’s a good thing – they look amazing!)

  54. What inspiring images..your presentation is both stunning and professional! I am so impressed.

  55. Your blog and all your recipes are delicious! Nice photography.

  56. These look delicious! I am usually overwhelmed with pastries, but these look like something I can do.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  57. Oh wow, these are amazing…I actually love that they are not prepared like traditional donuts, and as you said they have fruit so are good for us ;)

  58. Fruit filled desserts are my favorite and these are just adorable!

  59. Your photos are fantastic, and I can almost taste these delicate beauties as I look at the pictures! You put commercial donuts and pastries to shame! I hate donuts and I’m not real fond of breakfast pastries, but these look wonderful! :)

  60. I just made donuts today but I think I want yours instead :)

  61. What beautiful treats these are. I am a huge strawberry lover and have been delighted today to find a couple new recipes to try. Both of my kids love berries and this will be a great alternative to a treat for them!

  62. I usually don’t crave donuts due to a severe fear of deep frying but yours are really tempting. What a great idea to substitute the fried donuts and the fruit filling makes them even harder to resist.
    Thanks for sharing Georgia, hope you’re having a great time.

  63. What a fantastic idea! I’m a big fan of all things puff pastry and lemon so these are right up my alley. I love the simplicity, can’t wait to try them!

  64. That blend of fruity ingredients is wonderful! I want to eat at your house those glazed donuts :)



  65. The flakiness of these looks divine. Especially in your picture of them when it’s halved. Yum!

  66. Look and I am sure are delicious, that just inspired me greatly, well done.

    Rico-Tried and Tested Recipes

  67. I was directed here, via Food Lush, and oh my gosh! I ran out, bought puff pastry, blackberries and lemons and have some baking right now! YUM!

  68. these look amazing! congrats on the move! hope you love texas and you have some great austin food!

  69. Georgia, this is amazing! thank you for stopping by my blog – i must admit i’m in the middle of a redesign so things are a little shabby. nonetheless your sweet comment made me smile. i absolutely love your site and will be here often!

  70. Georgia… I am so impressed, your blog is beautiful and the dishes you make look outrageously delicious. Either your cooking or your photography (or both) are outstanding… I had to follow your blog.
    Thanks for stopping in and commenting on my blog as well, I look forward to reading more of what you have going on in your kitchen :)

  71. These are so beautiful and I know they are delicious too! Of course I’m a new follower! :-)

  72. Hello doughnuts! These look ridiculously amazing! They are so stunning and I am so jealous that you made these and I didn’t get one.

  73. This is a terrific idea, what a perfect morning treat!

  74. omg these sound amazing!

  75. Oooohhh I want 20 of these!!! Beautiful!

  76. Puff pastry doughnuts, that’s so original. Love it.

  77. I’m a little behind on my blog reading, but I’m glad I found these. They look so easy and so tasty!

  78. You have a really nice blog!! I’ll be following you by now, eager to see what’s going out of you oven!

  79. It’s like strawberry ravioli! Your site is spectacular, love the photos and recipes.

  80. Shut the front door!!!! Theses are on my baking list today. ;-) Mahalo!

  81. Thank you! As the recipe states, it makes about 12.

  82. Anonymous says:

    These look DELICIOUS and daughter is having a dessert buffet for her wedding..These just may make the cut..How many approx. does this recipe make..I just may have to make sure there are enough for each guest to have at least two!

  83. Trying this tonight! I think I’ll used apple cut up small, and add cinnamon. (Love the idea of berries, but haven’t got any right now)

  84. I may have missed it in the comments, but do you usually make these the morning you are going to serve them? or would they still be as good baked the night before, say for Easter? ;)


  85. The puff pastry wouldn’t have the desired soft yet crisp texture, but you could make these the night before and store in a resealable plastic container or bag. Hope that helps!

  86. We made these today and they were super easy, fast and delicious. Thank you for sharing.

  87. Just found your site, and I’m thrilled!!

  88. This looks so good! And healthy I guess because of the fruit lol but seriously I need to make these easy pretty yummy looking fruit donuts! Thanks for the recipe!

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