Red Snapper with Tomatoes, Olives and Onions

Red Snapper with Tomato Sauce 2
When I eventually move away from Southern California, I’ll be hard pressed to find a season lovelier than early spring around here. The weather provides a nice little in-between – you can still wear light sweaters and leather boots, but you can also fire up the outdoor grill and play cards with your feet in the grass (not that I have any grass to speak of, but here’s to wishful thinking!). You can also start thinking about frolicking in the freezing Pacific Ocean in your best swimsuit again, which then leads to thinking about all the lighter meals you should be making… including this healthy, chock-full-of-flavor red snapper with tomatoes, olives and onions!

Red Snapper with Tomato Sauce

It may seem premature to East Coast friends and family still buried in snow, but I’ve already started thinking swimsuits and whole days spent in the sun. The changes I’ve been making haven’t been drastic (after all, who can go so long without a chocolate bar or a pot of chili?), but I have been introducing lighter meals to my plate and experimenting with fun, healthy recipes.

Red snapper is high in vitamin D and protein, and in this one-pan recipe, full of fresh, vibrant flavors. Served with a salad and lemon orzo, this easy Saveur-inspired dish makes for a perfect pre-spring meal that you’ll feel good about and be craving again and again!

Red Snapper with Tomatoes, Olives and Onions

Red Snapper with Tomatoes, Olives and Onions

Yield: 4


  • 1⁄4 cup extra-virgin olive oil
  • 1 medium yellow onion, peeled and slivered
  • 4 (8 oz.) center-cut skinless red snapper filets
  • 1⁄4 cup dry white wine
  • 1 (14 oz.) can diced tomatoes
  • 1⁄4 cup black olives, pitted and halved
  • 1⁄2 bunch parsley, chopped
  • Pinch red pepper flakes
  • Salt


  1. Heat oil in a large skillet over medium heat, add onions, and cook, stirring occasionally, until onions are fragrant and slightly soft, about 2 minutes. Add snapper, skinned side up, and cook until lightly golden, about 2 minutes. Turn fish and cook other side another 2 minutes.
  2. Add wine, tomatoes, olives, half the parsley, and red pepper flakes to the pan with the fish. Season to taste with salt and bring to a simmer over medium heat. Reduce heat to medium-low and simmer, partially covered, until fish is just cooked through, 10–15 minutes, spooning sauce over fish as it cooks. Uncover and simmer until sauce has thickened slightly, about 3 minutes. Adjust seasonings and sprinkle with remaining parsley.
  3. Enjoy!

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  1. Lovely fish recipe. My boy would love this!

  2. We are 7 inches deep in snow but, I am definitely dreaming of summer days and sunshine. I love this recipe and the colors are outstanding! Now, I just have to convince my husband to eat fish! :)

  3. Gosh Georgia – this sure is a gorgeous dish! If it has tomatoes and olives – it’s a winner for sure on my palate. Paired with a lovely White.. what a meal.

    We are having some amazing weather right now, aren’t we? I’ve been anxious to work on my herb garden and replenish lost herbs – but we’re still in the middle of Winter! ;)

  4. We are buried in snow in St. Louis, so I’m happy to fantasize about warm, sunny days. This recipe looks so fresh, healthy, and delicious. Glad to know it’s a good source of Vitamin D, too. We’re trying to eat more fish, so this recipe is perfect. Thanks!

  5. omg..Georgia, this looks so heavenly! And I love those photos too.

  6. Definitely thinking of lighter eating for bikini days in Los Angeles. Love that vibrant color in your photos. Beautifully offset by that background. Lovely dish!

  7. This looks delicious! I love the combination of olives, onions, and tomatoes.

  8. This dish is packed in flavor, but still very healthy.

    We live in California. The weather has been pretty cold and windy (no snow though) since the beginning of the year. Today’s probably the first sunny day.

  9. This looks absolutely delicious! One of my favorite kinds of foods is Greek for the sole reason of their constant use of tomatoes and olives. Love this! :)

  10. hi Georgia
    I sit here in the 15 degree weather, I am thinking of swimming suits but only to try and ward off the cold!!!
    Your red snapper looks delicious, an olive topping has always been my wifes favorite, she would have loved your dish!

  11. Hubby and I are trying to eat more fish- I’m bookmarking this to try. It looks delicious!

  12. Being Italian, I love fish and tomatoes!!! This recipe reminds me of “home”! Thanks for sharing it! Manu :-)

  13. Love the flavors on the fish. This is my kind of dish to make and I love cooking with wine. I bookmark the recipe. Thanks for Georgia!

  14. That is an absolutely gorgeous dish, Georgia! Wow, I bet it tasted even better!!
    I’m with you on the weather, it’s been in the 70’s here for the past week…I feel so very fortunate…it makes those 110 degree summer days all worth while!

  15. Looks so beautiful and delicious…I want some now!

  16. This looks like it would hit the spot no matter what the season.

  17. This is the perfect fish dish in my book. I love red snapper – with the white wine & olives it sounds like just my kinda thing. Your photos should be in a magazine. xo

  18. Fabulous fish recipe. Very Mediterranean flavors and ingredients. I am always wondering what to do with fish. This is perfect.

  19. I keep saying I need to start eating more fish. Maybe these Mediterranean flavors will inspire me to actually do it!

  20. What a lovely meal! I bet this pairs really well with your lemon orzo (also on my to-do list). What type of fish would you suggest if snapper is not available?

  21. Thanks, Stephanie! I’d say any kind of similarly “thick” fish like cod or halibut would also be nice with this sauce.

  22. Oh just go out and say it…we are having Spring here in S CA, it is so odd to many of our snowed in friends. But California can never actually complete a Season or has the appropriate weather to go along with one.
    This dish is wonderful and perfect regardless of the Season… truly a delight :)

  23. this is such an elegant dish right? i would love to make this on a date night:) thanks Georgia!

  24. Yummy! I love the combination of ingredients!

  25. Just wanted to say hello and also thank you for visiting my blog! I’ve been scrolling through your blog and I think it’s great! Your photo’s are incredible, making me hungry! I’ll definitely be back :)

  26. I just found your blog and love it! We have fish at least once a week so I’m always looking for additional recipes. This looks delicious and easy!

  27. Excellent recipe! Served mine over stone ground yellow grits!!

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