Angel Food Cupcakes

Heavenly angel food cupcakes as light as clouds! Top yours with whipped cream and berries for a scrumptious springtime treat.

Angel Food Cupcakes – Heavenly angel food cupcakes as light as clouds! Top yours with whipped cream and berries for a scrumptious treat. |

Otherwise known as, portion control for the uncontrollable. I always cut myself a big, pillowy slice of angel food cake, smother it with cream and berries, go to town… do you? The cake is just so light and fluffy that you feel like the calories don’t count. Newsflash: they do.

But, with these little cuties clocking it at only 62 calories a piece, they hardly do, right?

Yea, just try and stop at one.

Angel Food Cupcakes – Heavenly angel food cupcakes as light as clouds! Top yours with whipped cream and berries for a scrumptious treat. |

A simple meringue-and-flour mixture with a hint of vanilla (or any other extract you prefer) yields the most heavenly, airy angel food cakes… gone mini! I love them in little compact form like this, covered in a cream cheese and whipped cream frosting. They make such an elegant presentation with sliced strawberries, or any other fruit you like.

It’s been hard to keep fruit for recipes in the house lately… especially strawberries and oranges. I devour it all first!

Angel Food Cupcakes – Heavenly angel food cupcakes as light as clouds! Top yours with whipped cream and berries for a scrumptious treat. |

These soft and fluffy angel food cupcakes are perfect for spring parties, Easter feasts, and any day that calls for something elegant. They’re lusciously low calorie, low carb and fat free, not to mention fun to make, too.

You’re going to just love them!

Angel Food Cupcakes

Angel Food Cupcakes

Yield: 16 cupcakes


For Angel Food Cupcakes:

  • 3/4 cup + 2 Tablespoons granulated sugar
  • 1/2 cup cake flour
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 6 egg whites, room temperature
  • 2 1/2 Tablespoons warm water
  • 3/4 teaspoon cream of tartar
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla, coconut, almond or orange extract

For Cream Cheese-Whipped Cream Frosting:

  • 1 1/2 cups heavy whipping cream
  • 6 oz. cream cheese, softened
  • 1/2 cup powdered sugar
  • Fresh berries, or your choice fruit


  1. For Angel Food Cupcakes: Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
  2. In a food processor, pulse sugar until very fine, 1-2 minutes*.
  3. Sift together half of the sugar, cake flour and salt into a medium bowl.
  4. In a large mixing bowl, whisk together egg whites, water, cream of tartar and extract until well combined. With a handheld or standing mixer, whip mixture on medium speed while slowly adding remaining sugar, until medium peaks form. In batches, sift flour mixture over top of egg white mixture and fold in with a rubber spatula. Continue until all of the flour mixture has been incorporated.
  5. Evenly divide batter among paper-lined muffin cups, filling each cup nearly full. Bake for 18-20 minutes, until golden and a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean
  6. Allow to cool completely before frosting. Top with fresh berries or your choice of fruit.
  7. For the Cream Cheese Whipped Cream Frosting: In a large mixing bowl, whip heavy cream until soft peaks form. In a separate mixing bowl, whip cream cheese until light and fluffy. Add cream cheese to whipped cream along with powdered sugar and whip until stiff peaks form. Store in refrigerator until ready to frost cupcakes.
  8. Enjoy!

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  1. There’s no way i could stop at just one!

  2. Holy Moly – these look amazing! Beautiful photos, and I can only imagine they tasted like sweet marhsmallow clouds, mmmm ^ ^

  3. What a fantastic recipe! These cupcakes really look so airy, light and very very delicious!

  4. So sweet, Georgia! Perfect for spring and summer parties. Gorgeous photography, too, my friend. Thanks for sharing. Pinning!

  5. I love angel food cake but I’ve never had it in a cupcake form. These are really gorgeous!

  6. They’re so pretty! I, too, go for the largest piece of angel food I can get away with so these would be perfect for me.

  7. Ok these cupcakes…they are seriously one of the prettiest things EVER, and sound so yummy…need them in my life asap!

  8. These cupcakes look so light and airy. Perfect for the season without all the heaviness of the conventional cupcake. I do too love fresh fruits. We spend tons of money every week on them…nothing wrong with that :-)

  9. These are so cute with the sliced strawberries on top! I could eat a whole dozen, though!

  10. I love angel food cake soooooo much!! And these cupcakes are so refreshing looking. LOVE!

  11. These are the perfect cupcake. So pretty! Strawberries with angel food cake is my favorite, and I’m pretty sure I could eat the whole batch!

  12. Wonderful for spring, I love angel food cakes!

  13. I LOVE that you made angel food cake into cupcakes – so great!!

  14. They look absolutely lovely & delicious! Nicely done Georgia.

  15. Absolutely perfect! I was looking for a dessert to make for Easter. This is going to be it :)

  16. Only 62 calories?! That means I can have 3, right? *wink*

    I love angel food cake. So pillowy and fluffy, and is just begging to be eaten with strawberries. These cupcakes look heavenly, which is probably how they got the name “angel.” Can’t wait to make these!

  17. Your angel food cupcakes would be a real treat in our home. Let look so special, too.

  18. Calories in Angel Food Cake (or cupcakes) count? Who knew? ;-) These look terrific — loads of flavor, and pretty. Thanks!

  19. Ohh, these cupcakes and fresh strawberries! Lately I have been eating ice cream with tons of fresh strawberries! These cupcakes look so moist and spongy!

  20. i love the bright always makes angel food taste so much better..

  21. Beautiful, Georgia! They look so light , moist, and springily. Exactly what I love about angel food cake! I have to try them at home sometime.

  22. Beautiful pictures. I’m still not over the fact that these beauties are just 62 calories!!! You did amazingly!

  23. 62 calories?!!! Umm heck ya! SO beautiful Georgia!

  24. Gorgeous! I love angel food cake and I love that these little guys are only 62 calories. Pinned.

  25. These are gorgeous!! I seriously have a problem with portion control because I have no control!!

  26. I have yet to make homemade angelfood cake. It also never occurred to me to make it as cupcakes~

  27. So very pretty and dreamy! I wish I could taste one too.

  28. These look beautiful and so delightful!!

  29. I am the EXACT same way with angel food cake. No slices for me–I go for gianormous SLABS. Thanks for helping me keep my dessert intake in check…I’ll limit myself to three ;-)

  30. You totally read my mind, Georgia….I’ve had angel food cupcakes I’m my mind the past week! These looks stunning and absolutely delicious!

  31. I am so jealous. I’ve tried making angel food cake because I simply love it but it and high altitude are not friends. It was such a catastrophic fail (like in a 1″ tall round BRICK) that I’ve never tried again. I want these so bad I might have to try again; maybe the smaller ones will do better!

  32. What beautiful cupcakes, so spring-like. Love the frosting!

  33. These are so pretty and delicate looking!! I must have one in my mouth!! :)

  34. These are GORGEOUS, Georgia, and yes, I love a big slab of angel food cake with piles of berries and whip! I’ll scale it down to a normal person’s portion, however — these cupcakes look divine. Pinning! :)

  35. These are so pretty! I always find myself with one too many egg whites, so this will definitely be my go-to recipe!

  36. 62 calories is great! That’s less than one of the Easter eggs that I ate last night! :D

  37. SO stunning! Omg! I need to hop on this angel food cupcake train! WHoot!

  38. How gorgeous are these! Love love love them!

  39. I’ve never been sure if you can make angel food or chiffon cakes as cupcakes, without letting them cool upside down, etc. These sure look beautiful!

  40. These are beautiful cupcakes. I bet they are super light and yummy. Gorgeous

  41. Cutest little angel food cakes I’ve ever seen and I love the frosting with strawberries sliced on top-so seasonally wonderful- how about dessert for Easter-also love that they are so low in calories ;)

  42. I some some angel food cupcakes on Pinterest a while back that I obsessed over!! Yours look even better!

  43. So pretty for Spring! Easter dessert perfection if you ask me!

  44. these look so elegant… ! Love a good cupcake with some strawberry x

  45. Low cal, low carb, fat free – these are practically health food :) I love mini desserts (in fact just posted mini cheesecakes on my blog today)!

  46. Aww. They’re so pretty! Love them.

    And portion control doesn’t exist with angel food cake. Once it cools a little, I cut one piece and I’m like, “This is like eating air. I can eat the rest.” And then the cake is gone. I only make half a cake at a time but still… it’s not pretty.

  47. These are stunning, G! I want themmmmmm!

  48. I’m so glad you tried these Georgia! Yours look perfect!

  49. Absolutely gorgeous!! And the perfect portion control solution :)

  50. How positively STUNNING are these, Georgia? Your photos and the simplicity of them is just on-point. So springy! Pinned :)

  51. These cupcakes look simply heavenly. :)

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