Homemade Tea Bags + Personalized Tags

For a thoughtful, easy and inexpensive Mother’s Day or birthday gift, surprise her with homemade tea bags (no sewing required)!

Homemade Tea Bags + Personalized Tags – For a thoughtful, easy and inexpensive gift, surprise her with tea bags (no sewing required)! | thecomfortofcooking.com

From messy crayoned cards to stacks of cookies baked with love, my mom has always appreciated my flair for the “homemade” approach on Mother’s Day. She’d take a hand-knitted scarf over a pretty necklace any day!

Not that I can knit anyway. I can’t and totally wish I could. But I can make tea bags! And so can you!

Homemade Tea Bags + Personalized Tags – For a thoughtful, easy and inexpensive gift, surprise her with tea bags (no sewing required)! | thecomfortofcooking.com

These little homemade tea bags are actually so easy, come together in minutes, and require no sewing. You just need a half yard cheesecloth or muslin fabric, your favorite loose tea, and some colored kitchen twine.

Homemade Tea Bags + Personalized Tags – For a thoughtful, easy and inexpensive gift, surprise her with tea bags (no sewing required)! | thecomfortofcooking.com

Because I had so much colored twine, I matched each color to various colors of cardstock. The cardstock was punched out with a decorative hole punch (found at most hobby/craft stores), and the two pieces sealed together with a glue stick, with the twine in between.

Yep, may be almost 30, but I love me some arts and crafts!

Homemade Tea Bags + Personalized Tags – For a thoughtful, easy and inexpensive gift, surprise her with tea bags (no sewing required)! | thecomfortofcooking.com

But, getting back to this adorable little bundle of tea cuteness… All I did was cut out a square of fabric, plop a teaspoon of loose tea in the center of each, twist it up tight, and secure it with twine. You can find loose tea in Whole Foods, specialty tea stores, and online. I got particularly lucky with lots of varieties at an Austin favorite, Central Market!

Homemade Tea Bags + Personalized Tags – For a thoughtful, easy and inexpensive gift, surprise her with tea bags (no sewing required)! | thecomfortofcooking.com

Gifted in an a big mug (also good for soups, snacks and other warm drinks), these tea bags make for a very sweet, sentimental gift for Mother’s Day.

… Except mom doesn’t have to know how simple they were to make!

Homemade Tea Bags + Personalized Tags – For a thoughtful, easy and inexpensive gift, surprise her with tea bags (no sewing required)! | thecomfortofcooking.com

For the special lady in your life, go the extra mile and make her these lovely little tea bags. She’ll adore the thoughtful gesture and so enjoy sitting down to a hot mug of homemade tea!

Homemade Tea Bags + Personalized Tags

Homemade Tea Bags + Personalized Tags


You will need:

  • 1 pair sharp scissors
  • About 1/2 yard cheesecloth or muslin fabric, found at most hobby/craft/fabric stores
  • Variety of loose tea*, I chose 6-7 different teas
  • Kitchen twine or embroidery thread*, various colors
  • Cardstock, various colors
  • Decorative hole punch, optional (You can also cut out small shapes with scissors)*
  • 1 clear-drying glue stick
  • Fine-point Sharpie or black pen
  • Click here for a photo tutorial


  1. To make tea bags: With sharp scissors, cut fabric into a square about 6 x 6 inches. Cut a piece of thread/twine about 17 inches long.
  2. Place 1 teaspoon of loose tea in the center of each piece of fabric. Gather up fabric around tea and twist. Tie with kitchen twine, securing with 1-2 knots. Cut off the excess top fabric. Repeat as needed.
  3. To make personalized tags: Have assembled tea bags nearby. If threads are very long, trim slightly.
  4. Fold various colors of cardstock in half. With the cardstock still folded in half, cut out two identical shapes with scissors or a medium- to large-sized decorative hole punch.
  5. Rub glue stick on one of the two identical shapes. Place one end of the kitchen twine (attached to the tea bag) on the glued shape. Place the other shape on top. Sandwich together and press for a few seconds. Cut string of other end of twine, not attached to tag. Set aside and repeat.
  6. With a fine-point Sharpie or pen, write the title of each tea on the tag.
  7. Twist the twine around the top of each tea bag (where you knotted it) to keep from tangling.
  8. You’re done!

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  1. How cute are these?! I may just have to make this for Jason’s mom – she’ll be thrilled!

  2. I’ve never thought about making my own tea bags – what a perfect idea! These are so pretty too.

  3. I LOVE this idea! My mom is a huge tea drinker, so I know she would adore this as a gift!

  4. What a fabulous gift idea!! These are absolutely adorable :)

  5. This is such a cute idea!! I am going to have to keep this in mind for next year, because my mom would LOVE this!

  6. What a fun and awesome idea!! So adorable!

  7. This is the sweetest idea! I’m sure any Mom would love a batch of these :)

  8. What an adorable DIY gift to give! Thanks for sharing!

  9. What a great idea for Mother’s Day! I know my mom would love these!

  10. Georgia, these are precious and such a wonderful gift idea.

  11. These are inspiring me to get a little crafty! What a perfect gift. MY mom loves drinking tea. We both do! I would love to make my own. DIY rocks! PS: I wish I could knit too. ;)

  12. SO cute! And I still love me some crafts even though I’m in my 30s, too – I don’t think I’ll ever outgrow my love of crafting!

  13. What a fun idea Georgia – I’d never think to make my own tea bags – great gift idea!

  14. What an awesome idea!! I love tea, and I buy WAYY too much of it. Now I can give some to people, thank you for this!

  15. Busted! Your Mom just found out how you made these, and after savoring these flowery tastes and aromas and reading one of the sweetest cards ever written by a daughter…the verdict is in: The ginger-peach is so homey and delicious, like a warm virtual hug! I love my thoughtful girl. With a little cup of heaven and a good book these teas will make my day every day for quite a while. Thank you for making it a wonderful Mother’s Day (a little early)! XoXoXos, MaMa

  16. What a sweet idea. I love it!

  17. What a sweet idea, homemade gifts are the best!

  18. This is such a cute idea and I love your mom’s comment too. Very sweet! I must try ginger peach. It sounds wonderful!

  19. As a tea lover, I would so love receiving these on Mother’s Day!!! How adorable and cool are they?!

  20. Georgia…. this is such a great idea!! Love the clicks too :)

  21. What a creative idea!

  22. Such a cool post! I love the heart pic!!

  23. This is something I have never thought of doing. It looks like fun, though, I might just give it a try. Great post!

  24. This is such a great idea. I love having a variety of tea choices!

  25. What a lovely and creative idea! I need to get some pretty coloured twine.

  26. Such a cute idea, Georgia! You are so talented :).

  27. What a lovely idea, Georgia! Just beautiful.

  28. This is such a great gift idea–so cute! And whoa am I jealous of your stack o’ twine. :)

  29. I was just asking my Mom how we could make our own tea bags! I get so tired of washing out the tea balls. These are so pretty Georgia! Now I’m really inspired! You made it so easy.

  30. Georgia, I am in love with this idea! These are so adorable!!

  31. Totally adorbs! Love the idea of making own teabags, and one can never be too old for being crafty :)

  32. Ok, I’ve missed Mother’s Day, but I’m thinking with holidays right around the corner… Thanks for the adorable idea!

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