Chocolate-Peanut Butter Granola Apple Bites

The perfect after-school (or work) snack! Just 5 ingredients + 5 minutes. Super easy, delicious and nutritious apple bites with peanut butter, granola and a chocolate drizzle. Kids and adults alike love these!

Chocolate-Peanut Butter Granola Apple Bites – Snack on these super easy, delicious and nutritious apple granola bites with a chocolate drizzle! |

I am so excited for fall, y’all. Why my craving for cinnamon, cozy sweaters and crunchy leaves hits on the hottest day of the year, I’m not quite sure… But I think it has something to do with my feeling lately of “Oh-my-god-save-me-I’m-melting”! Yup, we’re averaging in the 100’s here in Austin and this lady ain’t lovin’ it. In protest, I’ve abandoned exercising, cooking and any clothes other than tanks, shorts and flops. We’re in dire straits here, people.

Summer, you were fun, but I’m so over you. You’ve been hanging around since May-ish, and now it’s time to pack your bags. Let’s talk ripe apples and creamy peanut butter with a sprinkle of granola and a drizzle of dark chocolate. Healthy, delicious and perfect for smart fall snacking!

Chocolate-Peanut Butter Granola Apple Bites – Snack on these super easy, delicious and nutritious apple granola bites with a chocolate drizzle! |

I have been absolutely nuts for these loaded little apple bites lately. They take about 10 minutes to make, are incredibly delicious, and pack a serious punch of protein. Fun to make and so yummy!

Just grab your favorite apples (I think these are best with a sweeter red apple), a tub of peanut butter, your favorite crunchy granola, and if you’d like, some semisweet chocolate chips. Slice ‘em up, slather them with peanut butter, and go gaga with the granola. Drizzle melted chocolate over each bite for a lovely and even more delicious effect!

And while you’re here, how about a fun fact – Did you know that apples contain no fat, sodium or cholesterol? They’re also a great source of dietary fiber and give your immune system a big ole’ boost. So, have an apple and say sayonara to nasty colds and flus!

Chocolate-Peanut Butter Granola Apple Bites – Snack on these super easy, delicious and nutritious apple granola bites with a chocolate drizzle! |

For after-school snacking or fall partying, these pretty and nutritious little bites will totally win you over! They have definitely been one of my go-to snacks lately, but of course, too much of a good thing doesn’t make it a “good for ya’” thing any more. Moderation, y’all!

If your apple slices don’t stay sitting upright, feel free to just coat the ends of the slices in peanut butter, granola and chocolate. It will give a fun “dipped” look and be just as delicious. Also, paint a little lemon juice on your slices if you’re not serving the bites right away. No one likes brown apples!

Chocolate-Peanut Butter Granola Apple Bites

Chocolate-Peanut Butter Granola Apple Bites

Yield: 16 to 20 wedges


  • 2 apples, sliced into wedges
  • 1/4 cup peanut butter
  • 1/4 cup granola, your favorite
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon, for sprinkling
  • Semisweet chocolate chips, optional*


  1. Coat tops of apple wedges in peanut butter and sprinkle with granola and cinnamon.
  2. Melt chocolate chips in the microwave, stirring in 30 second increments until melted. Be careful not to overheat.
  3. Drizzle wedges with melted chocolate, set on a large platter and serve.

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  1. Apple and peanut butter –yum! I love this simple healthy snack. These are so darn cute Georgia! :)

  2. Such cute bites, I’d love these for my afternoon snack!

  3. Well aren’t these just the best snacks I’ve seen in a while! I can’t wait to try them!

  4. I’m not willing to look beyond summer just yet. But I’d be willing to snack on this deliciousness any day!

  5. Oh, poor Georgia! I’m feeling bad you’re melting. (I’d melt too in that hot TX heat.) But, I’m still holding onto summer for all she’s got. But, since fall is my fave time of year, your tasty all-natural apple and PB snack has me looking a bit forward to fall. Thanks for sharing!

  6. We are actually having a fall-weather spell here so these apple bites seem totally seasonally appropriate to me! So delicious. I’m definitely ready for fall flavors!

  7. I’m ready for Fall too. I love summer produce but I hate the heat! It’s time for apple picking : ) Apples and peanut butter are one of my very favorite snacks – but with granola? Such a good idea!

  8. Love these! Such a fabulous snack!

  9. I looooove these! What a fun treat!

  10. I am so, so happy to see these! I’m always looking for healthy, delicious snacks for my daughter to have after school (summer can be over but can we just delay the start of school a bit?). She’d love these and I would, too!

  11. I feel like I’m melting away here too! But these snacks bites could ward of the melting for a few hours I think!!

  12. I’m going to file these in my “healthy file” Georgia. They sound scrumptious. Apple season here is NY is sneaking up on us too. Perfect timing!

  13. These are genius–and oh so yummy looking! I’d love to make them to bring to work as snacks. I’m always looking for healthy options!

  14. Sometimes the most simple things are the best aren’t they? Our local apples will start showing up at the Farmer’s Market soon and I will add this idea to my things to try out. Great photos.

  15. It has been surprisingly cool here–humid, but cool. Mother nature must have felt bad for us and is giving us a smidgen of a break. I’m sure the 100’s will be back before we know it. When it gets that hot, there is no cooking happening in my kitchen. Fall is the best time of year. The crisp air, crunchy apples, and pumpkin… The best! These look so good, and you bet I’m gonna be snacking on these soon.

  16. I love apples!!! Fall isn’t my fave but I do enjoy apples :D

  17.!! I LOVE these!! I have an apple and peanut butter nearly every day and never thought to jazz that up with some granola and chocolate!! Now I guess I need to get that granola I eye up but always make myself walk past…. Genius!!

  18. I’m SO with you, Georgia! I’m so excited for fall – I’m over the heat ;) I’m ready for sweaters, and pretty trees, and apple treats like these! These little bites look totally scrumptious :)

  19. These apple bites are such a great autumn snack idea!

  20. Such an awesome idea Georgia! These look like the best snack/breakfast/dessert!

  21. wow – what a brilliant idea! they look so cute too.

  22. I can’t believe how fast summer has gone by!! We walked into Pier one last night and all the Fall decor was already out!! Ridiculous!!!

    Its been so hot in Miami, that we are looking for our cooler weather.. I know! 80s =)

    These apple bites are so simple and have so much flavor.. What a great snack!

  23. I keep getting weird errors when trying to pin your images today. Only one worked!

    Anyway, these are so yummy looking and perfect for an afternoon snack. Sharing these babies on FB! :)

  24. Sf weather has been good with us this year, pleasant. My boy is sitting right next to me drooling and has plan on making it when his friends come by. Neat idea.

  25. I love this idea, Georgia. I would be crazy about these too, and my kids’ eyes would light up if I made these. These are definitely going to happen soon!

  26. If you didn’t tell me there was an apple in there, I wouldn’t have known. So pretty… and so clean and professional looking. Great snack for the kids.

  27. I’m excited for Fall, too! I love summer but Fall has so many great things that go along with apple desserts! Looks great!

  28. ahhh! They’re like real apple granola bars!! I want these!

  29. You amaze me every single post!!

    These are the cutest and most delicious bites around!! So gorgeous! We need to get together and talk food and photos!! Soon. K??

    Hehe! But really, such gorgeous photos and I LOVE apple + peanut butter + granola and obviously, the chocolate drizzle!

  30. The granola on here is a super-amazing idea. It gives it that texture it needs. So doing this.

  31. Super genius idea! Love, love, love the crunch of granola.

  32. Oooh these are cute! Great after school snack!

  33. These will make a perfect afternoon snack today!

  34. What a great snack to have. So fun and healthy. I am ready for the fall too for baking purposes :-) however not ready to leave the summer behind just yet, it is going by way to fast!!

  35. This is one of our favorite snacks sans the chocolate drizzle. We’ll have to add that decadent addition, yum!!

  36. These looks so delicious! I’m crazy about apples with peanut butter and adding chocolate and granola makes them even better. Great photos!

  37. What a great healthy snack idea. I wish I could make my chocolate drizzle look that good!

  38. I sure don’t blame you! While it’s (thankfully) cooled down some here, I am BEYOND ready for fall + winter. Cozy clothes, crackling fires, yummy food.. especially apples! These look totally awesome — a nice and easy dessert to welcome fall!

  39. I am totally making these as after school snacks… they are perfect!

  40. I would love to have those delicious bites now! You pictures are making me so hungry, Georgia! LOVE it!

  41. splendid delicious…

  42. Apple slices with peanut butter is one of my favorite snacks, and this looks like a fun and delicious way to jazz it up. Yum! I’m also ready for fall to arrive…looking forward to the leaves changing, making fires in the fire place, and going apple picking!

  43. I could munch on these all day!

  44. Yum, what a great idea! I have always put peanut butter and marshmallows on my apple slices…I’m thinking this is a bit healthier ;)
    I know it’s hot out, but I just grin and bear it because I don’t want summer to go away! Of course, it never really gets very cold in Austin in the winter so I guess it doesn’t really matter to you guys!

  45. Why is everyone so ready for fall? What about corn?!?! :) I think these are going to be my new favorite snack…

  46. I can’t wait for fall either! And these are so cute!

  47. I love healthy treats like this! And I am always impressed with your chocolate drizzles (in your past recipes)… Mine always look horrible. Haha. =P

  48. What a healthy snack to prepare for the whole family.

  49. These are so cute and delicious-sounding! What a fun idea!

  50. These look so, so good. I could probably live off of apples and putting them with chocolate and peanut butter sounds absolutely divine.

  51. These look delicious!

  52. YUM! Just made these with a twist of my own and they’re wonderful. Thanks for the inspiration!

  53. These look divine! I am going to make a batch up for myself to keep my sugar cravings at bay.
    Thanks for the great post.

  54. what a nice combinations..
    the taste must be dellicious
    thanks for sharing this good recipe

  55. Love these Chocolate Peanut Butter Granola Apple Bites, these seems super delicious and unique one . Will love to try this one . Thanks for sharing this recipe with us, definitely gonna try this unique one.

  56. Love these Chocolate-Peanut Butter Granola Apple Bites, these bites seems super delicious and amazing . Super excited to try these unique bites, thanks for sharing.

  57. These Chocolate-Peanut Butter Granola Apple Bites are a taste sensation! The combo of crunchy granola, smooth peanut butter, and crisp apple slices is pure perfection. Healthy, satisfying, and utterly delicious. A must-try snack! #SnackPerfection #Yum

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